Disciplemaker's Intensive

    1. Welcome!

    2. Topics We'll Cover

    3. Order Follow To Lead Here....

    1. Identifying My Circle Of Influence

    2. Key Points To Remember!

    3. Identifying My Circle Of Influence (pdf)

    4. Identifying My Circle Of Influence Audio

    5. Identifying My Circle Of Influence Form To Download

    1. Introduction

    2. A Disciplemaker's Life

    3. Study Guide

    4. Key Points To Remember!

    5. Answers!

    6. The Disciplemaker's Life Audio Version

    1. Introduction

    2. Your Identity In Jesus: First A Disciple (lesson)

    3. Study Guide

    4. Key Points To Remember!

    5. Answers!

    6. Audio Lesson

    1. Introduction

    2. Opening The Door: Turning Neighbors Into Friends

    3. Study Guide

    4. Session Four Recap

    5. Lesson Audio Only

    6. Study Guide Answers!

    1. Introduction

    2. Connected

    3. Lesson Notes

    4. Connected Study Guide

    5. Connected: Points To Remember!

    6. Connected (audio)

    7. Study Guide Answers!

About this course

  • Free
  • 60 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content